Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Day 7 (Officially Marking 1 Week)

Just thought I'd post something else today besides my quiet time (which i did and will post tomorrow). I've been feeling the conviction of what I have been reading little by little lately. The last two chapters have been about tithing which is nearly impossible for me to do without a job. All my money comes from my parents and I need it just to put enough gas in my car to make it to school. I feel like the only way that I could hold down a serious consistent tithe would be to get a job, but I'm not sure that that's what God wants me to be doing right now. I know that it sounds weird and almost like a cop out to say that I don't have a job because God doesn't want me to have one but a lot of times I really think its true. I apply for jobs all the time, and recently I even got a couple of interviews but things just never seem to pan out. And besides the fact that no jobs seem readily available for me I am also busy with other things. I have school which(I won't lie) I devote the minimum amount of time possible to, BSM activities which probably take up the majority of my time, then theres Less Than Three Mission which I've been working on which Sergio, and last but especially not least I've been writing songs (weird I know). Anyway I by no means think that any one of these things is more important than supporting my family but like I said I've tried before to get a job and nothing really panned out, and to be honest I really don't want a job that badly. Is all of this selfish of me? Should I be trying harder to get a job? I really don't know what to do at this point and prayer would be appreciated. If anyone has any ideas feel free to comment.

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