Ok so heres what's happening. I'm going to go ahead and post two different things today. One will be my devotional on 2 Corinthians 8 which is the one i did on Friday but did not have time to post due to a Christmas party. And the second will be my devotional on 2 Corinthians 9 which i did today. Sadly on Saturday which was only day 4 of my fast I missed my first quiet time. But I will continue on and try to make it up by posting twice in the upcoming days that I have off now that school is finally over. So here it is.
2 Corinthians 8
God- This passage just like a lot of the chapters in 1st and 2nd Corinthians doesn't really talk a lot specifically about God. Both of these chapters are letters from Paul to the church at Corinth so as letters tend to do they mostly deal with information to and or about people.
Us- So in this chapter Paul explains how we should all "excel in the grace of giving", and reminds us how sometimes the amount that we give can symbolize the amount that we trust God. He does a great job of explaining how we not supposed to give so that others can see us give, and how we should give because we want to give. He also emphasizes how we should give according to our means, which should be a tithe, which means a tenth of your gross income. Paul also reminds us how the ability to tithe is a privilege. God will be able to accomplish his goals with or without you, the question is do you want to be a part of it.
Like- I like how Paul openly admits that he was surprised at how generous the church in Macedonia was in verse 5. I like the idea that we should be joyfully tithing, and glad to be a part of the ministry that what serve.
Summery- Paul starts off by talking about the great generosity of the church at Macedonia and goes on to tell the church at Corinth how Titus is on his way to go see them. He also mentions that two other men will be traveling with Titus, both of whom are praised as being great ministers. He ends reminding them of all of their credentials basically, by reminding them of the suffering that they have endured for the Lords name.
Application- I think the application here is pretty clear. We should give and do so with joy in our hearts because it is our privilege to serve both the Lord and the ministries that we are a part of. (something nice to remember right before Christmas =) )
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