I think I might have said in my introduction that yesterday was Day 1 but i changed my mind and decided that today December 8th is day 1. I also decided that since I believe that teaching is one of the best ways to learn, I will be explaining what I read in my quiet time in order to better understand it myself.
Today I am reading 2 Corinthians 6. Fyi i believe in using the GULSA method of quiet time which is a kind of self explanatory way of organizing the ideas that are presented in the chapter.
The G stands for God and under that section you would explain all the things that the passage says about God.
G- This passage really doesn't say that much about God besides reminding us of His grace and salvation. But it does say a lot about what He want's us to do.
The U stands for Us and under it you would write down what the passage says about Us.
U- "We put no stumbling bocks in anyone's path," This was put in the passage to explain to us that we should never do anything that would lead anyone else to sin whether they be a believer or a non believer. 1 Corinthians 10:31 says "whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God" . This was written to explain to us the weight of our actions, and how every single thing that we do is much more important than we even know. In this passage we are reminded of how our actions affect others.Verses 4-10 go onto explain how we as Christians should commit ourselves to lives of servitude, putting God before ourselves. In verse 14 it talks about not being yoked together unbelievers, this is commonly mistaken as God telling us to not associate with people who are not Christians but thats not what it's saying. It is actually telling us that we shouldn't do the same things that people who are not believers do, because if we have really been saved our actions should not be the same as those who have not been saved. As 16-18 explains Paul was actually writing to discourage people from separate themselves from idolatry which was a common practice in those days and was probably an issue with the church in Corinth
The L stands for Like and this is where you would write what you liked most about this chapter
L- At the risk of being extremely vague my favorite part of this passage is verses 4-10 where Paul gives a great description of all the things that happen when a believer really lives out what they believe in. The majority of what is written here is based of things that Paul himself went through while trying to spread the gospel and I think it really gives you something to think about. If you yourself haven't been through any of the things of this list for the sake of the gospel then are you actually doing what God has called you to do?
The S stands for Summery here is where you write a summery of the entire chapter just for the sake of letting the information soak in.
S- In summery this passage is about putting our beliefs into action. It talks about how we should not be holding people back but in fact lifting people up. He gives many examples of what it means to be a believer and how it rarely deals with personal gain and will in many ways bring hardship. He reminds us that our ways should be different than the ways of the world. It is a passage about putting our words into action
The A stands for apply and under it you would write all the ways that you can apply what you read to your life.
A- I am going to go ahead and leave this part blank because the application of what God has written is really the most personal part of your quiet time. So I'll leave it up to you to decide how this passage can be applied in real world situations specifically to your life.
And thus completes the official Day 1 of my Conan fast. (although this will technically be posted on the 9th)
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